Samanta Fox 20.3.2023 10:33

When you look at your paystub, you might wonder what the LTD https://www.realcheckstubs.com/blog/paystubs/what-is-ltd-long-term-disability-on-my-paystub under the benefits section means. LTD stands for "Long-Term Disability." It is a type of disability insurance that protects your ability to earn an income in the event you incur an injury or severe illness.

The amount of coverage you receive depends on the policy you have, but it typically provides a monthly income that is a percentage of your regular salary. This income can be used to cover any financial losses that result from your disability, such as medical bills, living expenses, and other costs.

LTD coverage is typically provided by employers, but you may also be able to purchase it on your own.

If you have LTD coverage and become disabled, you will need to file a claim with your insurance provider to receive benefits.