Anyone else love wow still?

Ann Smith 19.10.2022 00:25

I see tons and tons of shitposts of people crying about how the game has been ruined and this and that. I have been playing since classic. I have run every expansion and grind the end game every time. I haven’t always loved what they did with the game but the quality of life updates are fantastic. The game is so much more accessible. Quite honestly feels like they kept up with my against curve. Nowadays I want to be able to log in and jump right into the action, which I can almost every time I log in. Sure there are tons of weekly upkeep things to do that I can never cap or maximize because I don’t play as much as I once could because I have a family and business to run, but nevertheless I am having a blast. This will probably get downvoted into oblivion because the general player base has changed dramatically, but I don’t care. I still love wow.