The 2014 Big Spring Hang Gliding Nationals

This was the site of the highly successful 2007 FAI World Championship, won by Attila Bertok. Recent years have seen many long cross-country tasks, including the world record for the longest task ever flown in a hang gliding competition, 346 kilometers to Panhandle, Texas. The terrain is mostly over open plains and agricultural fields, perfect for racing.
Last year's top Open Class winners were Attilla Bertok (Hungary), Zac Majors and James Stinnett (both USA). This year's competitors include pilots from Mexico, Great Britain, Norway and Guatemala.
The community of Big Spring goes out of its way to welcome attendees every year with an air conditioned pilot lounge, paved runways, shaded bleachers for spectators, volunteers to help with launch, ice cream, water, and a traditional Texas BBQ welcome dinner.
The National is a USHPA and CIVL Category 2 sanctioned event, and is part of a series that will determine the 2014 US National Champion. It will include Open, Sport and Rigid classes.
General Schedule
Saturday August 2, 2014
Registration and Training day
Sunday August 3 - Saturday August 9, 2014
Competition flying days
Saturday August 9, 2014
Awards and closing ceremony
How to get there
Big Spring is located in Texas, USA, about 300 miles W from Dallas (the nearest airport).
Rickabaugh Drive
Big Spring
TX 79720
United States
More information about the vent can be found at
Photo credit: Belinda Boulter, copyrights applied