O'Neill Europa Cup by Sony in Pec pod Sněžkou

On Saturday, March 25, 2017, the biggest official freeskiing event in the history of freestyle skiing is held at the popular ski resort at the ski slope Javor in Pec pod Sněžkou. The O'Neill Europa Cup by Sony Action Cam freestyle slopestyle event is organized by the Czech section of FIS (International Ski Federation).
Some of the top freeskiers not only from Europe, but also athletes from such countries as Argentina can be found on the list of competitors. Everyone hopes to enjoy the competition at the splendid snowpark in Pec pod Sněžkou designed by top expert in the country, freestylearea.eu. This all leads to great expectations of witnessing perfect tricks including highly valued double rotations, so called Double Corks. This holds promise for a spectacular show, which will make the audience dizzy and leave them breathless.
The competition is open to any freeskier registered at FIS, and thus having a unique FIS code to prove their identity (for details and help, contact daleckyroman@seznam.cz). You can download the official application form and send the completed form to czechfreeski@seznam.cz. The route is designed to include at least two platforms of fixed obstacles (box, rail) and two successive jumps, so it will demand all-round skill skiing performances and provide a thrilling and amusing spectacle.
Time schedule:
Friday, March 24, 2017
10:00 – 14:00 official training session
Saturday, March 25, 2017
10:00 – 10:45 women’s qualification
11:20 – 12:35 men’s qualification, heat 1
13:10 – 14:25 men’s qualification, heat 2
15:00 – 16:00 finals
16:15 – results announcement
Detailed information (in Czech), facebook event.