

AlexDeller 1.5.2022 18:38

It frustrates me personally when bookmakers try to find out personal information about me through my passport, is there any way around that?


Oskar 1.5.2022 19:02

Good afternoon. I don't like this approach at all either, but if you think about it, they're just insuring themselves... In any case, you can get around this by using bookmakers without ID checks, more about them at It's a decentralised bookmaker that works via cryptocurrency, which is why it just doesn't need verification.


Pinokios Deison 3.8.2022 16:34

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NickDavy 5.10.2022 15:18

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Nicole 6.2.2023 15:11

You should choose your bookmakers better to avoid problems like this. Actually, reading some sport news on should help you a lot with both making good bets and finding a reliable bookmaker that you can use. Make sure to bookmark this site if betting is a big part of your life.


Allen 5.5.2023 09:19

I am very happy that I can now gamble. It's really very fun interesting. I'm very happy that I can do it now.


Sommer 12.5.2023 14:29

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