How to find a couple after breaking up?

How to find a couple after breaking up?

Neta 15.11.2021 13:37

I am gay and it is very difficult for me to find a mate. And more recently, I have been starting to get depressed from loneliness!

Re: How to find a couple after breaking up?

Lolla 15.11.2021 13:39

Neta 15.11.2021 13:37

I am gay and it is very difficult for me to find a mate. And more recently, I have been starting to get depressed from loneliness!
I understand you very much because finding a loved one when you have a gay is very difficult. My friends also do not support me. I am somehow strange, so I started looking on the Internet

How to find a couple after breaking up?

Julia 15.11.2021 14:59

I had similar situation in life. When after 3 years of relationship came hard times and I had to decide to leave my partner. I am gay and it was difficult for me to find a new soul mate quickly. I started searching on the Internet and found lesbian dating sites over 50 In this selection I found a site where in the future I found a girl and now we have been together for 2 years!

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