Dhananjay Rajput

Dhananjay Rajput

Huma Quereshi 3.6.2023 14:03

How does netflix party works
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Step 1: Install Netflix Party
Start by clicking the "Install Netflix Party" button on this page to install Netflix Party. Once

After being forwarded to the Chrome Web Store, select "Add to Chrome" to complete the installation of Netflix Party.

Step 2: Launch a Netflix video
Access the Netflix website. Start the video player and select any show you want to watch.

Step 3: Plan your celebration
Click on the red "NP" button next to the address bar to start creating your party. Next, after clicking "Start Party," invite your friends by sharing the party Website.

Step 4: Attend a Netflix Party.
Click the party URL to be redirected to the Netflix website where you can join the party. Finally, after clicking the "NP" button next to the address bar, the party should include you automatically.

Don't forget to view these useful extensions:-

Crunchyroll Party | Hotstar Party | Private Watch Party | Netflix Watch Party | Disney Plus Group Watch | Teleparty | Teleparty

Dhananjay Rajput

Albert Henry 3.6.2023 14:09

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