
anal cum 17.2.2024 10:25

NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania - Mohamedou Ould Slahi is almost clinical as he
recalls details of the torture he endured in the summer of 2003 at Guantánamo Bay.
Seven senior officers rebuked the government’s treatment of an admitted terrorist in a handwritten letter from the
jury room at Guantánamo Bay. But the effects of what he endured at Guantánamo are by no
means behind him. "You could say this whole account is just a test to see if you can fool people with AI pictures," says the team
behind Claudia, who declined to disclose their real names.
They didn’t show up at all for one month or more and I didn’t
see anybody except for the guards who came once a day.

The guards had chained me to a chair so I couldn’t cover
my genitals. We gave you clothes." The guards then came in and stood me on my feet with my hands held high.