Parent Prioritizing Family Literacy

Aiohha 8.2.2024 16:06

I hear you on wanting to be a good financial role model for the kiddos! Money management wasn't really discussed in my house growing up, so I had a lot to learn as an adult.
One blog I've found super accessible and educational, even for total beginners like me, is They break concepts down in a really simple way, with articles on budgeting basics, saving for college and retirement, the power of compound growth, different investment vehicles like ETFs, and more.
My ""ah-ha"" money moment was a few years ago when I finally created a budget and saw just how much we were wasting on random stuff. Embarrassing, but so eye-opening! We cut way back, started socking more into retirement accounts, and even opened custodial IRAs for the kids with birthday/holiday money. Talk about the gift that keeps on giving.