Blue Screen Error In Dell Laptop

Rick Haris 3.11.2022 10:23

If you see a blue screen of death (BSOD), it’s likely that your computer has encountered an
error. You can check whether this is the case by opening up the Task Manager window and
looking for any processes that are running in the background. If one of these processes is
causing your BSOD, then there is no need for panic; simply close out all open programs so
that it will not affect other programs on your computer.
If you get prompted to update or restart your laptop or desktop PC due to an update being
available from Microsoft or another third-party source, then this means that they have fixed
some bugs with their operating system. It's always a good idea not to skip updates when
they're offered because doing so could cause problems later down the line which may
require further intervention by professionals such as ourselves here at Service Centers