Garage Door Back on Track

Rose J Lever 23.5.2023 11:51

When a garage door back on track, it means that it has veered out of alignment with the tracks that guide its movement. This can happen due to various reasons, such as accidental impact, worn-out or damaged rollers, loose or broken cables, or track obstructions. When this occurs, it's important to get the garage door back on track to ensure proper operation and prevent further damage. To prevent the garage door from moving while you work on it, lock it in the closed position using locking pliers or C-clamps. This ensures that the door remains stable and won't accidentally open or close during the repair process. Inspect the tracks to see if they are misaligned or bent. If you notice any gaps or deviations, use a rubber mallet or a hammer with a block of wood to gently tap the tracks back into their correct position. Be careful not to use excessive force, as this can cause further damage.