Donald34 2.11.2022 16:53

Boby 2.11.2022 16:47

Without getting too technical, the basic processes that take place in a MySQL environment are the same:
MySQL creates a database to store and manage the data that defines the relationships of each table.
Clients can make queries by entering certain SQL commands on MySQL.
The server application will respond with the requested information and appear on the client side.
That's all. Clients usually specify which MySQL GUI to use. The lighter and more user-friendly the graphical user interface, the faster and easier data management operations will be. Some of the most popular MySQL GUIs are MySQL WorkBench, SequelPro, DBVisualizer and Navicat DB Admin Tool. Some are free, some are commercial, some work exclusively for macOS, and some are compatible with major operating systems.
Thank you very much for the answer! This cleared things up a bit for me.