Scientists have managed to turn the tide of time

AntinaAnta 27.10.2022 23:29

Scientists have managed to turn the tide of time.
Time flows in one direction, which means that spontaneous processes cannot be reversed. A hard-boiled egg seems impossible to become raw again by itself. Are you sure?
One-way change.
Everyday life has accustomed us to the fact that time flows only in one direction, from the present to the future. This is an intuitive thing, everyone is getting old and watching the reality around them change irreversibly. The broken glass will not return to its integral form, and the fried eggs in the pan will always remain cut. Further in the blog "Antina Anta - my view"
You may ask yourself, why does time always go one way? After all, in terms of molecules smaller than atoms, it shouldn't be so obvious. In the microcosm (and the whole world, including us, consists of it),