Sexy lingerie

Mandy Simmons 2.1.2024 14:17

I hope you're all basking in the glow of love and excitement! ????✨ I'm reaching out with a special request for advice. Our anniversary is around the corner, and I'm planning to surprise my husband with an erotic massage and a beautifully set ambiance. Now, I need your expertise in selecting the perfect lingerie to complement the occasion.

Here's where I'm torn: I want something that exudes confidence and sexiness but is also comfortable for the massage. I've been eyeing lacy and sheer options , but I'm curious about your thoughts.

Dawer, you mentioned considering personal style and comfort. Any specific recommendations on styles or materials that strike a balance?

Gabet, the idea of a babydoll or chemise sounds intriguing. Do you have any particular features or details I should look for to make it extra special?

I'd love to hear from the community on this one! What lingerie choices have made your romantic moments unforgettable? Let's create a lingerie love story together!