Re: Sports nutrition in bodybuilding

LixPix 13.6.2023 14:02

AnnaCrawl 13.6.2023 13:52

How do you feel about steroids in bodybuilding? I've been doing bodybuilding for 5 years now. I want to go into professional sports, but I'm a little afraid to take them. Can you tell me what to do?
Hi, if you want to work out professionally, it is best to go to the doctor first and get tested, maybe you are allergic to those drugs. The best way to communicate is to find someone who is already working out and talk to him about it…. I used to compete in the mens-physicist category (60-70 kg) and used them a little. If you don’t have somebody to talk to, there is a special site where you can find athletes and doctors who can help you. If anything, write to me in private messages we’ll talk.