What Is BIMI?

Angel Likola 1.4.2022 18:26

BIMI stands for Brand Indicators for Message Identification. It’s a standard that attaches your brand’s logo to your authenticated email messages. With this simple, visual verification, recipients can recognize and trust the messages you send.

But if you already have SPF, DMARC, and DKIM, why do you need BIMI? Good question. Let’s take a high-level look at each to pinpoint the key nuances:

BIMI: Adds your logo to your emails in the inbox so subscribers can quickly identify your messages and trust they’re from you.
SPF: Authenticates your email to identify the mail servers that are allowed to send email from a particular domain.
DKIM: Adds a digital signature to emails to verify to inbox providers that your domain sent the message and you’re responsible for the content of the message.
DMARC: Specifies to inbox providers how to handle emails that aren’t authenticated using SPF or DKIM.
Looking at this list of verification methods, BIMI is the only visual clue a typical em