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When women do have anal sex, the overwhelming majority do so at the request of their
male partner. When a woman is willing to engage in anal sex with her lover, it usually comes from a place of significant trust and love for her male partner.
What is more, she had a lover, a handsome and charming man more than eight years
her junior. After his arrest, he spent the next few years either in jail - accused
of inciting subversion - or under house arrest. Because the cut-marked bones are much closer to the lower
tuff, the bones’ age is most likely 3.4 million years old.
The team’s research,reported in the August 12th issue of Nature, shows that the marks were created before the
bones fossilized. They added that it could increase incidence of HIV-Aids in India and expressed
concern that it could "negatively affect the psychological and emotional development of children raised by same-sex couples".