Why Should I Consider an Exchange Online Migration?

Rachel Gomez 2.3.2023 09:06

An on-premises email server makes an organization fully responsible for their own email maintenance, upkeep, updates, and troubleshooting. On top of the technical burden, the business also takes on responsibility for the security of its email service. As threats to data security grow more complex and expansive, the cost of protecting a server only grows.

An Exchange Online Migration makes it possible for a business to leverage the power of a hosted enterprise service while avoiding the capital expenditure and associated maintenance costs of a traditional on-site email server. Comparatively, an on-premises deployment of Exchange 2010 or Exchange 2013 will be less effective and will cost more to maintain.

However, you will need to undergo a migration process to begin using the features of the Microsoft Exchange online email system. Before you migrate mailboxes, you’ll need to choose a migration method. You may need to define migration batches, perform a cutover migration, or choose to migrate in stages.