Re: What s your favorite kitchen and why?

Ducatti 13.7.2023 09:41

Oscar82 13.7.2023 09:37

What s your favorite kitchen and why?
I was genuinely amazed when I realized that to truly understand the process of creating a remarkable restaurant, you have to experience it firsthand. I vividly recall the time when I was searching for equipment for my own restaurant, and I was astounded by how places like came to my rescue. While they offered an extensive range of options, I soon discovered that not everything was readily available. In fact, there were some incredibly rare items that required a significant amount of time and effort to find. The realization that not everything can be easily obtained heightened my sense of curiosity and determination. I was surprised by the lengths I had to go to uncover those elusive pieces. However, it was through this process that I truly appreciated the uniqueness and value of these rare items.