Base jumping

Wingsuit Flying: Using Science to Minimize the Risk

Wingsuit flying is considered the most dangerous sport on earth, there is no doubt about that. We do it because we love it even though there is always the sense of death. For wingsuit pilots danger goes with the territory and even the world's most experienced wingsuit flyers lose their lives as the most recent victims: Dean Potter and Graham Hunt, two of the most accomplished wingsuit BASE jumpers in the world. Thus, mapping out the ideal route is crucial. And Richard Webb, a former fighter pilot has a solution.
12. 6. 2015

A former fighter pilot turned wingsuit BASE jumper, Richard Web, 42, works as an airplane pilot and lives in Moab, Utah, where he and his wingsuit partner Matthew Fleischman map out the ideal route for their wingsuit BASE jumps. Webb, who has a degree in aeronautical engineering, approached wingsuit BASE jumping like an engineer. Using laser range finders, GPS devices, and an inclinometer, he and Fleischmann developed a model of data collection that helped them calculate whether flying from a particular exit point was mathematically survivable. With a co-operation with National Geographic, Webb released a video, showing how it works, finding the best, and hopefully safest, routes for his and his buddy's jumps. Way to go Richard!

12. 6. 2015
Tags Wingsuit

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