Scuba diving

World´s Longest Scuba Dive Ever - Jerry Hall´s New Record

Jerry Hall (49) is an American scuba diver who is testing the long dives limits for the last 10 years. His dives take place in the South Holston freshwater lake located near the city of Bristol on Tennessee-Virginia border, USA. Jerry Hall holds several world records in long diving. In 2002 he managed to stay underwater for 71 hours, 39 minutes and 40 seconds. In 2004 he improved to 120 hours, 1 minute, 9 seconds and his dive entered into the Guinness Book of World Records.
6. 8. 2013

Being overtaken in 2011 by another American Allen Sherrod he concentrated to claim the record back in 2013. His plans went into reality at 1:42 p.m. EDT on Friday, August 2, 2013, when emerging after 144 hours (6 days), 1 hour and 42 minutes !

During the achievement other divers took turns staying with Hall on the dive platform around the clock, watching over him as he slept. Medical personnel were nearby and his condition was constantly monitored. Once more, Jerry´s amazing performance will be submitted to Guinness for certification. On top of that, Jerry Hall, who works at Eastman Chemical Company in Kingsport, devotes his diving success raised funds for the children´s charity.

Source:  Jerryhallworldrecorddive website  Photos:  AP Photo/Kingsport Times-News, David Grace, Wikipedia  Video:  Youtube  Text:  Thomas

6. 8. 2013

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