Base jumping

Estonia Independence Anniversary BASE Jump from Eiger

20-th of August 2013 they organized a first in Estonian history wingsuit B.A.S.E. jump from almost 4 km height unique cliff. The jump has been held at very important date for their country - Day of Restoration of Independence - and symbolizes freedom and independence of Estonia and Estonian people. It took place will take place in the Bernese Alps in Switzerland – from the Eiger mountain (top height 3,970m). Congrats from and wishes all the best for the Estonian future.
20. 9. 2013

Why exactly the Eiger ? As they say at their website:

„The climb to the exit point is not the easiest, like our countries path to independence. But it is one of the highest places in world to B.A.S.E. jump, providing the longest possible time of flight and freedom. As we wish a long and lasting freedom to our country – Celebrating it with THE INDEPENDENCE JUMP.“

More information (in Estonian) go to:    

20. 9. 2013
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