Copa Sopó Open 2014 - XC Competition in the Heart of Colombian Andes

Words by Copa Sopó Open organizers: We are pleased to invite you to an amazing event organized by a strong and experienced team. We hope you can come and discover this amazing place and flying site, race with us and have a great time!
Sopo is located 30 km North from Bogota at the high mountain plateau of about 2500 m ASL. Its flying site is called Parapente Paraiso and offers an interesting opportunity of thermal and dynamic flying with general cloud base of about 3800-4500 m ASL. Though one can go up quite high here (the height record made in Sopo is 5000 m ASL) the distances are normally keep to 40-60 km of XC flights. Find the place on the map of Locations...
General Information
Type of site: thermal and dynamic
Type of terrain: Mountains, small valleys, lakes, small populations
Weather: cold and windy
Temperature: 4-18 degrees C
Best flying seasons: January-February and August-September
Best flying time: 10am-4pm
Thermals: 2m/s - 6m/s
Cloud base: 3,800-4,500m
Records (Altitude): 5,000 ASL
Records (distance): 65km
Main Sopo Take off
4° 54' 30.54" N - 73° 54' 47.40" W
Tailwind Take off (Alternative)
4° 54' 08.43" N - 73° 55' 19.89" W
GOAL 1: Guasca
4° 54' 29.92" N - 73° 53' 25.07" W
GOAL 2: Sopó
4° 55' 58.40" N - 73° 57' 46.53" W
GOAL 3: Zipaquirá
5° 01' 01.2" N - 73° 59' 44.8" W
main take-off
Copa Sopó Open 2014 Schedule
August 30, 2014
Training day, equipment check, registration, main briefing, opening ceremony
August 31 - September 06, 2014
Competion Flying days
September 06, 2014
Prize giving and Event Closing Ceremony
September 07, 2014
Exhibition day: acro, accuracy, XC, speed flying, tandem flying and paramotors for sponsors and general audience.
Photos: © Contraviento Club, copyrights applied.